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H: Journey from Honesty to Peace #0

What are the key steps to reach Peace, starting with being honest with yourself...?

· love,Honesty,Journey to Success,H Love,H Book

Updated on 26.09.18 for a maximum of pleasure :).....................................................................................................CLIC ICI POUR LE FRANCAIS

H, 8 key pillars to always stay Honest...

while generating Peace...


Written sum up of this video by clicking here ;-)

*Hint: click on the blue underlined words to find out more about them ;-)



Self-Determination.... personal level : listen to yourself...

1. IDENTITY - Who am I?

2. ACCEPTANCE - Do I love me?

3. COMMUNITY - And others? 


Learning Process... professional level : listen to your customers...

4. COMMUNICATION - The solution? progress in process - Poetic Me #1...

5. KNOWLEDGE - Who knows? 

6. POWER - Who decide? progress in process - Poetic Me #3...


Idea of Peace... political level : listen to your fellow citizens...

7. HIERARCHY - Who is right? progress in process...

8. PEACE - Is it possible? progress in process...

H like Have Fun In Everything You Do... :)


A poetic definition by me, Adriana :)

You don't feel like reading all this? Watch and listen to this video instead ;-)

What is H? #HLove... #JourneyFromHtoP...

H O N E S T Y is about finding your true inner Upper Purpose.

And I always thought that my goal, what I actually needed, was just to be understood.

But my friends just made me realize something today...

Just like I don't care about accumulating money...

I don't care about accumulating knowledge...

I am not thrilled by teaching you anything...

I don't care about explaining to you the reason behind my struggle, my love and my passion...

I don't care about being understood!

That is not what I need...

What I care about, what I need, is being loved, kissed, touched, hugged, looked at, smiled at, heard, seen, felt... Truly connected with...

But just as for my need for food and shelter, the current society forces me to go through unpleasant work, jobs, hassle and other stuff to get the money, to buy the food that will then finally fulfil my true need.

Similarly to that process, society forces me to explain, justify and look for the knowledge that will make you hear and understand my need for true fulfilling Acts Of Love...

All I want is being hugged though...

All I want is being hugged though...

Honestly, I AM IN LACK OF LOVE...

Pour Tata Sac-Au-Dos, Papy Pa' Poro, Tonton Boré, Mémé Merveille, Serge, Pamela, Tonton Longue, Jolie, Tonton Poro, Tata Dany, Charly, Inès… Pour toute ma Famille… Pour Maman et pour Noëlle… Pour Nous…


Tell me what is YOUR HONEST DEFINITION OF LOVE by commenting below...

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You can also join the H Family if you too dream about Living off your Honesty, thanks to special insights from H, sisterhood solidarity and participation in H development while growing your long-term wellbeing and daily peace with yourself and others...

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