I'm pissed at my heart for its will and attraction to you... Not you, but, the complicity, the depth, the likeness I once saw in you...

I'm pissed at my heart for its will and attraction to you...
Not you, but, the complicity, the depth, the likeness
I once saw in you...
You made me realise I was an addict
and now I am managing my healing by myself...
No more addicted love...
Only truth, honesty and heart talk...
Actually I'm not honest...
I am managing my healing with all the people I keep meeting and rediscovering through H O N E S T Y...
All the people who passed the fear of seeing me like a guru, an illuminated...
or whatever I might look like in frightened people's eyes...
I am just a being...
Lonely but pissed enough not to compromise anymore...
Lonely but full of enough love to own her truth...
I love... It hurts... Then I love more...
I love loving... I love feeling...
I love...
It hurts...
Then I love more...
I love loving...
I love feeling...
I just hate that it's so hard to find other beings to share that with...
I don't like dogs that much...
Definitely not as much as I love you...
I am pissed at my heart because...
It was quick to let you in...
And now it doesn't know how to leave you (and I) alone...
I am pissed because it keeps a room for you in there
(I've always seen my heart like a hotel)
even though I keep telling it that you have a home...
You don't need my room...
Maybe it's the room that needs you...
Maybe being fucked is part of being great...
Maybe being fucked is part of being great...
Because my heart and I know we are great...
We are just surprised how few are the people who can see that too...
We don't understand...
Would you explain for us?

Tell me what YOU think about that, and comment below...
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